Негізгі мазмұнға

Тақырыптар бөлімі

  • How to integrate STEM into a general education program: Finnish experience part 4

    International experts from the University of Oulu (Finland) and national experts from the Republican School of Physics and Mathematics will talk about how things are with STEM subjects in secondary school, discuss creative approaches to learning and ways to integrate into the existing general education program. The webinar will be hosted by Baglan Kuturbaev, a teacher of computer science and robotics at the Republican Physics and Mathematics School.

    In addition, you will learn how to take part in the Science On Stage Europe educational festival in Prague. With Science On Stage, you can meet international peers, exchange teaching ideas, and raise the profile of STEM subjects. Course instructors:Erkko Saviari, teacher at the University of Oulu (Finland). Baglan Kuturbaev, lecturer at RFMS, Nur-Sultan (Republic of Kazakhstan).

    This online course was filmed as part of the Caravan of Knowledge Project. "Caravan of Knowledge" is a Kazakhstani educational project implemented with the support of the "Chevron" company.

    Since June 2020, "Caravan of Knowledge" has been holding an educational marathon - online courses, workshops, intensives and information sessions for teachers, school administrators, parents and students in order to form a professional community, develop STEM skills and determine the vector for the development of STEM education in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstani and international experts in the field of education, inclusion and STEM-areas are participating in the project.